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Talk to us

Let’s Begin

About Us

We were like you once. Excited about our dream, restless to get started. Soon, we realized that the path to reality was never straight. It was a zig-zag with several stops – licenses, permissions, registrations, warehousing, logistics, delivery, the works.

We persisted, we got our ideas off the ground. And we learnt ways to unravel the puzzle. Got us thinking: Could we pass on the benefits of our experience to others like us… That was how we created The Xanado Way. And how Xanado.Market was born. One partner. One window. One solution.

Because we know that feeling. If you have stars in your eyes, like we once had, The Xanado Way is for you. Hop on!

Let’s Begin

Our Unique Subscription model

You’ve got a great idea, but don’t know how to convert the same into business, Portal.Xanado.Market is the place you've been looking for. With our monthly subscription of AED 1500 we will get you up and get you started. See the below table for details:

Xanado does the heavy lifting and reduces your risk exposure when setting up a new business.

Review Us Now

Talk to us

Let’s Begin

That Legal Stuff

We know you don’t want to be bogged down by heavy legal information but it is a necessity to safeguard your interests. Yes, we’ve got you covered from the get go but we want to make sure that you're reading the links and agreements carefully. We promise, we have done our best to keep it simple and easy on the eyes. At Xanado, we are taking all the effort to make everything simple and easy, thus giving you the freedom to focus on your business. Here, we take care of you and your business.

Listen to our happy customers

They are smiling all the way and would love to share their stories and anecdotes with you. They will also tell you why you are at the right place, and how you should move ahead from here.

You can concentrate on creating the best business offerings instead of looking for the best offers to start the business.

Since our sole focus is you, your feedback is nothing less than a gift for us, be it great, good, or even bad. Either we’ll feel happy, or you’ll help us realise our mistakes, and do better. So, please tell us your experience.

● What did you like?
● What caused your trouble?
● How can we make this experience better for you?
● Would you like us to add any more products or features?

Leave us a review and we’ll show you the results.

E-Commerce Experience

How do you decide whether or not you want to buy something from a company?

After seeing their advertisements, you visit their website, don’t you?

What you see on the webpage is what prompts you to make the final purchase.

We say, if you have it, let us help you flaunt it!

Your webpage or webshop is like your online personality, it is the face that your customers see.

If you show them your best features and qualities, they will keep coming back for more.

Nowadays websites prompt the final purchase.

We say, if you have it, let us help you flaunt it!

We at Xanado will help you create your own webpage for a mere 1000 AED (one time cost).

Your business will get an online address and will be hosted free of cost on our website as part of the subscription fee.

The subscription fee allows you access to our state of the art payment solutions platform and trusted delivery partner at actuals.

To get the complete E-Commerce experience for your business click

Your journey with Xanado

So, what can you expect when you start your entrepreneurial journey with Xanado?

The Xanado Way
1) Xanado has set up the complete ecosystem required to launch your business and track it on this portal.
2) For a monthly subscription fee, you can access trusted and vetted Xanado's partners and use their services.
3) Xanado does not charge a commission when you use the services of any of our partners.
4) So log into and use the best partners and negotiated rates for all your business needs.
5) Use a customized dashboard to see your progress and track your developments.

The Questions we have

Now that you’ve got a fair idea about what Xanado can offer you, we are sure you are excited to begin. After all, as entrepreneurs, you need to be sure of everything before you start.

It is now time for us to ask you a few questions. These will help us know you better. Please share the following details so that we can process and curate a suitable plan for you.

Convert your Idea into a business

Do you remember the exact moment when you were struck with a brilliant idea?

There are many good ideas, but turning that idea into a viable business is tough, we know.

With Xanado.Market, there is no need to deal with questions like –

● How should I set up my business?
● Which licence should I take?
● Who will help me overcome difficulties?
● How to manage all the costs and then end up making a profit?
● How will I import or export my products?
● What payment gateway solutions should I choose?

To convert your idea into a real business, you will require the following things



Dubai Municipality



Payment Solution

Last Mile Delivery

Convert your Idea into a business

Do you remember the exact moment when you were struck with a brilliant idea?

There are many good ideas, but turning that idea into a viable business is tough, we know.

With Xanado.Market, there is no need to deal with questions like –

● How should I set up my business?
● Which licence should I take?
● Who will help me overcome difficulties?
● How to manage all the costs and then end up making a profit?
● How will I import or export my products?
● What payment gateway solutions should I choose?

To convert your idea into a real business, you will require the following things



C&F Agent

Dubai Municipliaty



Last Mile Delivery



Last Mile Delivery

Our Story

Are you wondering why you're here and whether this is the right place for a budding entrepreneur? Let us tell you a little about ourselves.

We were first time entrepreneurs once, excited about our ideas. We wanted to bring them to the world... you know how that is. But we soon realized that the path of converting an idea into business was confusing and tedious. Licenses, permissions, storage, delivery, logistics, registering products – there was never a straight line between our goal and the processes involved.

So we decided to draw one for you by creating XANADO.MARKET.

A one stop platform that converts your idea into a business. If you’re like us, you’re at the right place!

What is Xanado?

Xanado is an entrepreneur-support platform born out of our experience. It’s a platform we wish we had when we were starting out. So if you’ve got a great idea, but don’t know how to convert the same into business, Xanado.Market is the place you’ve been looking for.

We will hold your hand and guide you through the process… just like a friend. We will begin with proper paperwork that you need to operate a business. Then we will work with you in procuring your goods or even importing them, if they are overseas. We’ll help you register them with the authorities and once they are here, we will also store them for you.

Xanado will support you in creating an online store where you can sell the goods – this will be a complete set-up with a website, payment gateway, storage and connected delivery partner. All you need to do is bring your goods and start your business.